
学生 / 留学生向けアメリカビザ

学生 / 留学生向けアメリカビザ

F-1/M-1 (学生)

※ どちらのビザに該当するかは、米国側受入学校が判断します。







J-1ビザ (交流訪問者)





なお、米国での受入先が米国国務省に認可されていない学術機関又は団体の場合、JIPTとグローバルパートナー契約を結んでいるCultural Vistasをスポンサー団体とした米国J-1ビザ研修プログラムをご利用頂ける可能性があります。


ビザ免除プログラムESTA Visa Waiver Program

  1. ビザ免除プログラム対象国の渡航者が短期の商用・観光の目的で渡米する場合、ビザを取得する必要はありませんが、事前に電子渡航認証システム(ESTA)を申請し、認証を受ける必要があります。
  2. ESTAは認証許可を受けた日から2年間もしくはパスポートの有効期限まで有効です。有効期間内に同様の目的で渡米する場合、再申請の必要はありません。
  3. ESTA申請についての詳細は米国大使館HPで確認できます。

F-1/M-1 Visa (Student)

※ The U.S. host school you plan to attend will determine whether you need an F-1 or an M-1 visa.

F-1 Visa

This is the most general type of student visa. If you plan to engage in academic studies in the United States at an approved school – such as an accredited U.S. college or university, private secondary school, or approved English language school – you will need an F-1 visa.

M-1 Visa

If you plan to engage in non-academic study, vocational study, or training at a U.S. institution, you will need an M-1 visa.

The Framework

The framework of the student visa (F-1/M-1 visa)

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J-1 Visa (International Trainee & Intern)

The J-1 visa was created to promote the exchange of knowledge and skills in the fields of education, arts, and sciences. If you participate in an exchange visitor program of a school or organization that is approved by the U.S. Department of State, you will need a J-1 visa.

The Framework

The framework of the J-1 visa

J-1 Training Program

Please note that if your host academic institution or organization is not approved by the U.S. Department of State, you may apply to be sponsored through the program of an organization instead, such as Cultural Vistas’ exchange and training program. (Cultural Vistas is a global partner of JIPT.)

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Visa Waiver Program(VWP) ESTA

  1. Travelers of Visa Waiver Program countries coming to the United States for tourism or business for stays of 90 days or less will not need to obtain a visa. However, they are required to receive authorization though the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) and will be screened at their port of entry prior to entering the United States.
  2. The ESTA authorization is valid for 2 years from the date you receive authorization. It is not necessary to reapply for as long as you go to the U.S. for the same purpose.
  3. Please confirm ESTA details on the following U.S. Embassy website:
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If your country is not a member of the Visa Waiver Program, you will need a B visa to travel to the U.S. even if the length of stay is 90 days or less.

B Visa (Business・Tourist)

  1. Travelers whose countries are not members of the VWP program will need a B visa to travel to the U.S. for tourism, business, conferences, meetings, etc., even if the length of stay is 90 days or less.
  2. On January 21, 2016, the United States began implementing changes made under the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015. Nationals of VWP countries who have traveled to Iraq, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen after March 1, 2011 are no longer eligible to travel under the VWP (this includes traveling to the U.S. while in transit to another country).
The Framework

The Framework of the B visa

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